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CBD for seniors

For The Love of Charlie creates products specifically tailored to the aging population. One product, which comes in many forms, is Cannabidiol or CBD. CBD which can be delivered in multiple ways including oil vapor, topical cream, ingestible tinctures or edibles, is the non-psychoactive part found in marijuana. The positive effects that are brought on using CBD can be particularly welcoming to seniors.

many seniors are not aware of how medical cannabis could improve their quality of life and how the stereotypical marijuana user and use has changed. Because CBD is extracted from the marijuana plant, seniors can take advantage of the medical benefits afforded by the extract without the head or body sensation often associated with marijuana. Additionally, seniors have the option of delivering CBD to their bodies in forms more familiar, rather than inhaling smoke. CBD is an oil extract and therefore can be added to things like topical gels, tinctures and edible products.

In many cases, these derivatives of cannabis can reduce or even replace the use of harmful and addictive prescription drugs. While this information is only now making its way into the mainstream, the natural consequence is, seniors drop their prejudices, face the reality, and turn to the treatment of their minor and major age-related diseases using cannabis.

Here are some reasons why CBD should become a regular part of every seniors’ health routine as they age.

CBD for anxiety
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CBD for sleep

not sure where to start?

view our guide that will walk you through what medicine is right for you and your ailments. We start with problem areas of the body and work our way down to a treatment specifically for you, giving guidance on what you should take, how much, and how often. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you!